(Unit 2, Lesson 5)
There are so many things I wanted to know about the real China. There are stories in the news about child labor, harsh work conditions, and lack of human rights, and I wanted to know the complete truth and have the facts in order to be able to do my share in helping those who can’t help themselves.
The article “China: End Child Labor in State Schools” (http://hrw.org/english/docs/2007/12/03/china17461.htm) is just another example of how poor children are abused. It adds to the pile of all the other articles I have been searching out in writing my letter to the president of the company where I work. Per Shirk, Clinton tried to address human rights and “from now on, the extension of China’s trade status would be done not by congressional action, but by executive order, with human rights conditions clearly attached” (p. 255). Unfortunately, China could not meet even the minimal conditions and the US came to the sad realization that in order to continue doing business, it must detach the human rights condition.
Since US companies will continue to seek low-cost manufacturing countries, it was very important to me that the company I work for would do everything in their power to address and avoid human right abuses. I feel this class and the readings have provided a solid foundation to argue the case and convince the president to champion the cause.
I will keep everyone posted… Either I get fired for starting trouble – which I would consider a blessing since I would not want to work for a company that does not support human rights, or I have helped make a change for a better China.
Jeanette - you are noble to make an attempt to educate your employer about what you have learned through your studies of China. I'm hopeful it will be well received.
Good luck,Jeanette! We need more people paying attention and standing up for rights, both here and abroad. We are our brother's keeper,even if they are a continent away. I watched the film "God Grew Tired of Us" about the Lost Boys of Sudan today and like the abuse in China wondered how we could let this happen.And now we learn that there is international pressure on China to curtail business with Sudan until they (Sudan) correct human rights abuses.Doesn't seem likely China could pull that off in view of their own history of abuses.Sort of the pot calling the kettle black!
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